Friday, December 01, 2006

winter storm

First winter storm came finally (dunno how it compares to typhoon durian in philippines but it was thundersnow this morning), feel like I shouldn't have gone to school. The temp was not that really low but it was damn wet. Snow crazily whirling in the air and it was not snow but sleet which hit on my face and melted, and if you look at me you'll think I just washed my face but didn't towel-dry it yet. Waited for the bus for 30 minutes snow accumulated and I became kinda snow woman though I stood under the roof.

Under crazy weather there're crazy people. Had a pretty early class section and when I got to the campus I already saw several snowmen, wondering who had the mood getting up early in the freezing morning to make fun of the not-so-fun weather. Not only that I saw more than 4 people wearing short sleeves and two of them actually were playing with snowball (illusion?~_~")

Just saw the weather forecast the temp will fall terribly low to 2F on sat and the highest of sunday's only 19 (what the...)

Hope you had a good time in hometown, good timing to just escape from the strom huh~!